Thursday, 25 June 2015

George and Martha: sad, sad, sad

I have become really good at wasting my own time which is nice.. I accomplished a grand total of nothing today, which makes today the same as yesterday and the day before and the day before wooo three cheers for being useless am I right
I'm wearing a black t-shirt over a black slip dress- I bought this shirt at a Chinese market as a joke when I was in year 8 but now I wear it all the time. My pal Legolas got the dress for me as a birthday present this year and it is one of the many loves of my life- the hem is edged with black lace and I'd been looking for something like it for about a hundred years before she got it for me.

More Ezra Miller because why not hey

Also the fact that he was Dr Frank-n-Furter for a bit makes me love him even more if that's even possible

Finally here is Richard Yates because I'm reading his biography and I love him



  1. Hi, hello, how are ya? I've been stalking your blog after you left your lovely comment on my blog and I love it/your style/you (to early?). But really though, you seem like the coolest and I'm totally enamoured with each of the outfits you've posted.You also have a really neat taste in music, and you've introduced me to so much new music to bump up my summer playlist with, so thanks for that! Anyways, I'm a rambler, but in short, I can't wait to keep reading your blog, Jade! x

    1. Ahh you're so sweet and your comment made me so happy!- definitely not too early haha:)) Thank you so much seriously!! Aw I'm so happy you listened to the music- have you listened to Only Real yet?!? ooh that's a good idea I should probs start making a summer playlist for those fun months when I'm slaving away at uni applications</3 definitely likewise- hope you update soon:) xx
