Monday 10 August 2015


Hi guys!!
I've been super lazy with this blog recently because I've been travelling non stop (aw I know poor me lol) but hopefully will return to this little corner of the internet with a decent post shortly !!!

In the meantime, I'm going to give my newly made blog a little shameless plug because hey why not

It's called The Trendship Test and I'm actually pretty frickin excited about it because I feel like I haven't been adventurous enough with this blog!

The Trendship Test is a play on the idea of a friendship test and it's basically going to be me trying loads of different trends and giving my thoughts and basically being weird af which is always heapsa fun #yay

But yes here is the URL:  <<URL

^^ URL                    

Hopefully you'll have time to check it out and maybe get inspired to try some of the trends I try! (I for one find the idea of me falling about in hobble skirts and floating eyeliner an incredibly inspiring one)

Lots of love and here is Ty Segall with glitter